Production Gallery
Factory Tour
When choosing the best raw materials to use in the production of high-quality Welding Gloves and Garments, one must attentively consider their final use in order to understand what specific features they must have.
It may sound easy, but the problem is that some of these features are in contrast with each other, thus a compromise needs to be made. The right choice in the compromise will result in higher quality products.
Our products are the result of all the right choices we made in almost 10 years on the market. We know for sure that there are margins for improvement, thus our research goes on!
Once the best available raw materials are chosen, they must be processed with accuracy and constancy in time in order to always grant a top-quality outcome.
The production cycle includes both machine automated operations and others manually carried out by personnel trained by the company itself. These are operations in which the human factor (e.g. manual ability and keen eye) are essential to give extra value to the product quality.
Everything is commanded and carried out by numbers that are ever more rapidly processed by machines. We are used to doing and getting almost everything through Apps. But not all of it. Some steps still need to be carried out by hand by humans. That is where, most of the time, quality lies.
Years of Experience
Happy Clients
Working Units